
El mestre que va prometre el mar (The teacher who promised the sea)

  • Feature film
  • 2023
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A story based on the life of Antoni Benaiges, a teacher from Mont-Roig del Camp who was sent to the school of Bañuelos de Bureba, a little town in Burgos, before the Spanish Civil War. He was a follower of Freinet’s pedagogical ideas, which consisted in giving the students the right to express themselves. Antoni found out his students had never been to the sea and together they published a journal entitled The sea, a vision of the children who had never seen it.
  • Director
    Patricia Font
  • Cast
    Enric Auquer and Laia Costa
  • Executive production
    F. Escribano, T. Folguera and C. Fernández

Filming of El maestro que prometió el mar (The School Teacher who Promised the Sea) ends

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The filming of The Schoolteacher who Promised the Sea

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