Filming of Smiley gets underway


The series Smiley is being filmed in Barcelona. A screen adaption of a theatre piece by Guillem Clua, who is the show runner for this new fiction, it is directed by Marta Pahissa and David M. Porras and produced by Minoria Absoluta for Netflix. The cast is headed by Miki Esparbé (El inocente, Reyes de la noche), Carlos Cuevas (Alguien tiene que morir, Merlí), Pepón Nieto (Los hombres de Paco, Sé quién eres), Meritxell Calvo, (Amar es para siempre, Pulsaciones), Giannina Fruttero (La jauría, Ema), Eduardo Lloveras (Intimidad, The One), Ruth Llopis (Durante la tormenta, Valeria) and Ramon Pujol (Ciega a citas, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer).

In Smiley, Álex (Carlos Cuevas) has just been dumped. He had been getting his hopes up about a guy who, after a few weeks, pulls a textbook ghosting move on him. This does not go down well. Álex picks up his phone and records a voice message that will prove to have wildly unexpected consequences… he mistakenly sends it to a certain Bruno (Miki Esparbé), who he doesn’t know in the least.  This simple mistake is the first in a chain of events that will change the lives of Àlex and Bruno for ever.

A Smiley, l’Álex (Carlos Cuevas) acaba de patir un desengany amorós. S’havia fet il·lusions amb un noi que, al cap de poques setmanes, li ha fet un ghosting de manual. i això no li agrada gens. Agafa el telèfon i es disposa a demanar explicacions amb un missatge de veu que tindrà conseqüències totalment inesperades … perquè ho ha enviat, per error, a en Bruno (Miki Esparbé) a qui no coneix de res. Aquest innocent primer equívoc és el primer d’una cadena d’esdeveniments que canviaran la vida de l’Àlex i el Bruno per sempre.


Executive Production: FRANCESC ESCRIBANO, DAVID FELANI and GUILLEM CLUA / Directors: MARTA PAHISSA and DAVID MARTÍN-PORRAS / Direction Coordinator: ADELA BATISTE / Script: ANTONI AGULLÓ and LUNA TASSIN / Production Director Minoria Absoluta: MIREIA GAITÁN / Content Executive Production: EVA MOR / Smiley Productor Director: LLUÍS MALET / Controller: LOLA FERNÁNDEZ / Heat of Production: BERNAT LLONCH / Production Coordinator: SIMONE CAROLINE and ANGIE BOLEA / Localitation: JAUME JORDANA and JORDI R. RENOM / DOP and Camera Operator: POL ORPINELL and HERMÉS FRANCO / Art Directors: PEP OLIVER and RAÚL PÉREZ /  Costume Designer: IRANTZU CAMPOS and OLGA RODAL / Key Make up and Hair Artist: LAURA BRUY / Sound Mixer: DAVID ARROIO and PAU TOLOSA / Gaffers: PABLO ABAD and JORGE BARROS / Grip: JOAN COLLET / Grip Crane: XAVI GORDI / FSX Supervisor: ENRIC MASIP / Casting Director: JUANA MARTÍNEZ / Script Writer: GUILLEM CLUA / Post-production Supervision: LÍDIA MARTÍNEZ

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